
When one door closes...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I truly never really BELIEVED this statement until Tuesday of this week--after 4.5 years of service, my position at my job is being eliminated (eff. June 30, 2011). 2 days ago - I was a basket case, but now not so much.

When I went home Tuesday afternoon to discuss things with my husband. He first told me, everything was going to be ok. That's what I needed to hear. Over the next day, we really, literally prayed about it. We have decided that our finances aren't GREAT, however, I will be a stay at home mom throughout the summer. Also--I plan to finally pursue my degree in Health Information Management.

This is not a set in stone plan, but it does have my nerves calm a bit...

I never thought in a million years I would depend on my husband as much as I have been the past couple of days--I am finally just going to put it out there--I am very proud of him, proud of him for stepping up and telling me it's going to be ok. Stepping up and telling me we will be fine.

Sometimes, that's all a wife needs to hear--it's going to be ok and we will be fine. So many times, do I reassure our kids of these same principles, but oh so little, I don't hear it enough...

So yes, we will be losing an income, am I scared, yeah, you bet - but I am not alone in this journey.

Thank you Ron for being there for me all of this time.

I am soooo looking forward to my new adventure!  How exciting!!

I hate missing a week.

Friday, March 25, 2011

I only lost 0.2--it's still a loss, so all is good :-)

I think my issue is now is I'm stuck in a little bit a rutt--it's a good rut, I'm losing, not gaining, I'm slowly getting workouts in, I just feel like I'm not losing quick enough--which is fine.

Ugggh, sorry, don't have time to write too much, hopefully I'll get to this weekend.

I'm finally getting used to my new haircut...what do you think?

Please can I keep this going?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Went to the doctor earlier this week and my doctor was very happy with my progress.  Since June of 2010, I have lost 30+ lbs.  This makes me very happy!

The other great thing is if you can see my little Fitness Pal to the left, yeah it says 15 lbs. down.  (since January 2011)

I had a 2 lb. loss this week.  I'm just on cloud nine right now :-) 

So this is my dilemma--most of the time, when I hit this point in my weight loss, I start to 'slip up' and I get right back to where I was.  How do you keep going on your journey?

Another loss...

Friday, March 4, 2011

So it was only 0.6, but with the way I ate last weekend, I'm satisfied :-)

I hope by next weigh in, I will be in the 170s--I have not been there for quite some time (at least 3 years).

I think what I will do today is plan out my week, lately I've just been doing it day by day but I think planning a week will help me stay on track.

I also barely got any exercise in - so I will need to jump on that again--I hate not feeling well, but it's gotta get done, ya know.

Have a great weekend!

World's Finest Chocolate....GUILTY

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Over the past week, I have had McDonald's (which is now nasty to me--yaaaay) and now I indulged in a World's Finest Chocolate Caramel Bar).

I am baring it all on my blog today - doubt there will be a loss on Friday, but wanted to get it out there.
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