
The Next 4 Days...

Monday, June 27, 2011

This is my last 'week' of work.  June 30th is my last day.  I am super excited for this opportunity, yet I'm super depressed about it at the same time.  This was the longest I ever had a job (at the same place), the people here are great and best of all--I loved my job.

So yes, I always have to go back to God, during these times.  What does He have in store for me?  What am I really destined to do?  What do I really want to do?

These are questions that have been swarming in my head for quite some time, just tried to not 'face it' head on and now I have to deal with it.  For the time being, I'm going to spend a ton of time with my little family and hopefully reconnect with my husband as I believe we need to reconnect and focus on our family and not outside sources.  That is my goal for the time being.  So that's that.

On an up note--since this blog is generally dedicated to my weight loss--I am now at 29 lbs. lost (164.7 lbs.).  I am now waaaay below my pre-pregnancy weight with my daughter (who is now 8) and I can't be happier--however, why does 164 look differently at 33 then it did at 23?  Do kids really do change your body?

So that's it, TTFN
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