
No, really...I'm back :-)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Ok, so it took be gaining 15 lbs. for me to truely understand how my body reacts to JUNK.  In the past 3 or 4 months, in addition to the weight, my energy level has gone way down,I'm a little depressed, I have had constant break outs and just overall feel BLAAAAH.

The past two weeks have been hard,but I'm back on this journey.   I also, personally do not have time to put together the contest I anticipated, so I wanted to apologize to those individuals who expressed interest in it, I'm sorry.


I plan to continue  to blog, because THIS is what helped me lose (or one of the things) that helped me lose.

Have you fallen off the weight loss wagon? What have you done to ensure you stay on your journey? Any advice is most welcome.

This is just one of the reasons I need to do this, my precious daughter.  I want her to grow up with healthy habits to ensure she won't have the same habits, problems, etc. that her momma has had 

I want her to grow up with confidence and be comfortable with who she is as a person :-)

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