
Weekly Reflection 5.0

Friday, September 27, 2019

Yup.  I did it.  I'll do it again too--a little bit of praise goes a long way.  I've doubted my leadership capabilities for years and I think after assessing this week's questionnaire, there's no doubt.  My goal is to support my team and HELP them to grow.  I never did like someone calling me their 'boss'---but helping someone achieve their goals---yeah, I like that. 

This week, I was able to see my team thrive with the checklist(s) I have been providing.  We are working together more than ever and I truly do enjoy seeing him taking on more tasks and not needing me to TELL HIM what to do.

Listening to my team with how they work best (what motivates them)--has truly help me become less stressed.  I am really wanting to help my team achieve their goals, while they are helping me (and our team thrive!

I think you can tell what behaviors I possess??  Take a look here---and here!

Here's to another great week in HR!

Weekly Reflection 4.0

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Challenge Accepted

So remember my situation last week--about me being specific.  Well we are still working through some things.  We were able to complete the daunting task.

One thing I discovered--is this guy loves checklist(s).  He thrives on list(s).  He is competent, I know he is--his education says so.  I needed to find what makes "him tick".  

What I started this week is really work through how I can help him and me communicate better.  I am not one to be a micro-manager--but guess what, that's exactly what this person needs.

I was able to create our department a Microsoft Teams channel with all of the tasks that we do as a department and I assign them to him and I.  So far, this has been working beautifully.  Next thing I do is have him copy me on every e-mail that way I know he is following up when he should.  Again, I hate micro-managing, but this seems to work for both of us.

Earlier this week, I was ready to let him go for not completing a task timely which enabled us losing 3 employees.  I went to my executive team and they said that I need to mentor him and he is a good challenge for me.

So now, not only, am I trying to get my department task(s) done---I'm trying to mentor someone.

Challenge Accepted. 

This is my answer with regards to the Leadership Questionnaire for this week.

Weekly Reflection 3.0

Friday, September 13, 2019

Duck, Duck, GOOSE!

I learned so much about myself this week - I mean fo' real!  First off, I can't expect employees to read my mind.  I also should not expect for employees to give the same effort I do--or do it like I would have done.

This week, I gave a member of my team a task and wanted to see how he would go about it--this little task, I barely gave him instruction (yet, he knew the urgency).  Thinking he would roll with it, and put 110% effort in it was my first mistake.

When the task did not get done as quickly as I wanted it to--I re-evaluated my approach.  First, I wasn't clear in the expectations of the task, assignment.  I loomed over him like a hawk--asking him if he needed assistance.  He insisted no.  With each no, I was getting more impatient.

So, yes - people need guidance.  Clear guidance.  Instead of providing him an assignment, if I wanted it done a certain way or done a specific time--I should have spoke the truth and told him.

I also did not take into account that this employee worked late the night before doing school work (I can't fault him for that)...I didn't listen--I 'heard' it.  But--I didn't listen.

For once, I know I failed.  I wasn't clear AT ALL and here I was being agitated when, in all honesty, he should have been agitated with me.

I took the brunt of the work home last night to work on it - because--in all honesty, we are a team and I will pick up where my team left off.

Note to Self - if you want specific results, be specific.

We are still working on this huge daunting task.--we are working on a team and are communicating more than what we did earlier.

The results of the survey can be found here 

Weekly Reflection 2.0

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

"Everyone has a Chapter They Don't Read Aloud"

This week was focused on taking a Skills Inventory  (You can click on the link to view my assessment of myself).

Wow, totally doesn't look like the HR Executive my company paints me to be does it?

Or does it?  I'm slowly growing into my role, day by day--trusting myself more an more.

The Chapter I don't read aloud?  Oh the time where I'm among HR professionals and they ask, "oh wow, Director of HR, where did you go to school?"

"uuuuum.....Donnelly College"

They probe more only to find out, I have an associates degree.  Yup, Director of HR has only an associates degree.  Everyone has a Chapter They Don't Read Aloud.

I never explain that I spent years as an administrative assistant. I fell into an HR Role in my mid-30s and had a true passion for it.  My mentor was a retired VP of HR for Sprint--now retired from work altogether.  He taught me everything I know about HR. Introduced me to the right people, provided the right resources and boom - VP of HR, 6 years later.

Now I want the education to go with it.  Yes, I have a 'brilliant' personality and I know Excel on a way more intimate level than most.  I want to take it a step above.  I want to be conceptual, I want to be more than the girl who does reports or processes payroll or has those less than stellar conversations that no one else wants to have with employees.  I want to be more than the HR Department of One.

I want to be a business partner.  I want to be more.

Will I ever read this chapter out loud?  Totally - it's online for all to see. :-)

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