
My Gideon Bible

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

As I am driving to work, I noticed these elderly gentlemen handing out 'something'.  As I stood at a stop light, about 10 people walked by one gentleman and completely denied his offering..I was curious what he was handing out.  So I parked my car and instead of taking my 'short-cut' into work, I decided to walk the long way, just so I could get a glimpse of what these men were handing out.

As I got closer, I soon realized how many people wouldn't even look at these men in the eye.  I walked up, he handed me a little green book, I looked down and it said "New Testament | Psalms and Proverbs.

Wow, was I excited, I said thank you very much took the Bible and told each of the gentleman to have a blessed day!  Talk about shock--those two men looked at me and both said "Thank you!"

So here I am today to say Thank You, Father!  Thank you for bringing Your Word to my work.  I'm thinking it was a way of telling me that I need to "Pray without ceasing"  (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) which in fact I will do.  Prayer doesn't have to stop in the workplace.  Sometimes I feel that is where I need it most.

It's Friday and...

Friday, October 9, 2009

  1. I plan to clean Bailey's closet
  2. Get my Avon organized
  3. Fix omelets for dinner (yummy)
  4. Make sure Bailey does her homework
  5. Possibly watch a movie with the hubby (and make some home-made popcorn)

Proud Momma Moment

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Maybe it's just my over-active hormones, but, I have been having a lot of these lately...Bailey is super-excited about her little brother and literally cannot stop talking about it.  This morning, she asked "When he comes, can I take him to school for Show n Tell?"  I told her, I'd be more than happy to visit her class later on in the school year so she can 'show off' her little brother.  She then replied with a 'great--thanks mom!'.

It's amazing what goes through your mind when you're getting a 1st grader off to school in the morning..with every little kick and movement that Caleb has blessed me with this morning, I'm double-blessed with having a healthy 6 year old.  It makes me flash back to the time when it was Bailey in my tummy doing the movements and I couldn't imagine my life without her and definitely couldn't imagine me loving another little one as much as I love her~but I can honestly say, I do.  I love both my kids whether there in-utero or here, I do. 

At first, I struggled a ton to get used to the fact that I was going to have 2 kids, let alone, how in the world were we going to afford it?  But my husband kept reminding me that it will be fine, the Lord will provide.  Do you realize how long it's taken me to get to the point to let the Lord in on my issues?  It is sooo extra hard, because I like to take care of things on my own, let alone let HIM handle it.  But since I have surrendered this issue to Him, I feel sooo much better.

So, I'm off to read Proverbs Chapter 5!
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