
Weekly Reflection 1.0

Friday, August 30, 2019

I'm not going to lie. When I think of Leadership--my name is never top on my list. Why? I'm a process-person, not one to facilitate leadership type-activities, but if you need it done, I'm your person.

After taking this survey, I was able to ponder why I answered the way I did on some of the questions:

I am not self-confident - I mean, after getting my SHRM-CP, I started to see myself as an HR professional. However, every time I am faced with a difficult issue, like a scientist, I had to have 'proof' for my reasoning--even if I knew for a fact, I was right, I always second-guess myself.

Is there such thing as an introverted HR Director? I am friendly and outgoing and love to help my employees--at home, I tend to love to sit on the couch and read than hang out with friends (Weird I know).

I am so diligent and persistent, I come across as annoying (I'm sure!).

Anywhoo...with my "army-brat" background, it was ground in me "If It's Worth Doing, It's Worth Doing Well!". That quote has stuck with me through out my life, it is the reason, I always put my best in everything.

I know I don't have a ton of the traits that makes a leader, but I do have some. Throughout this course, I hope to either: focus on the traits I know I have control over: such as keeping my eye on the prize and finish this darn degree (that has taken me 20 years to even consider doing) (Persistence), Keep being friendly, diligent and determined; but also try and get better at articulating my vision, work on my confidence (as I doubt EVERYTHING) and try at least one thing "outside of the box" (try to be outgoing). I will do this---because it will be worth it in the end.

Take a look around my blog--(it hasn't been written on in a long time)...thought why not try it again!

Here's my survey that I administered through Survey Monkey

Create your own user feedback survey

Here are the results:

Leadership Traits Questionnaire Results!

The results definitely tell a story - a story, I hope to re-write one day.

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