
Happy Birthday Caleb

Monday, December 11, 2017

I can't begin to fathom that my sweet baby boy is 8 years old today.

This lil guy is a momma's boy.  He loves to cuddle, he loves to show/tell me about his day.  He runs to me for everything.  I hate thinking about the day he doesn't want to 'sniggle' or doesn't want to talk about his day.  It will happen.

I remember questioning myself 8 years ago on how I was going to do this.  My husband and I had financial problems - I mean really bad financial issues...we made the decision to take our oldest out of private school and put her in public school and all the awhile, we were not the best husband and wife we would possibly be.  Our kids definitely did not deserve that. We definitely deserved it.

Yes, I said, we deserved.  Poor decisions make poor consequences.

We had to make some tough, really tough decisions.  Eight years later, we share a home with my husband's mother--this move, not only provided a much better place for our kids to grow up, but the kids have thrived in the new school district.  It is a sacrifice we had to make, but thankful we made it.

A lot has happened in 8 years.

Yet, everything stays the same.

Maybe that's the only thing that is constant---everything changes.

My decisions immediately affect my children.  My actions affect my children.

I am the mom I always wanted to be...eight years ago.  I can't wait to meet the mom I'm going to be eight years from now.

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