
What's Next

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ok.  This is a question I often ask myself, especially  lately.  I keep thinking it's going to just appear to me and I guess I'm a little impatient.  I think I am more concerned for my husband. Here's why.

For 5 years, my husband was a Youth Director/Teacher/Pastor (sort of). He dedicated his Tuesday Evenings and endless weekends to the youth at our church. We hit a huge bump,ok a 'brick wall'.  We came to our pastor for help and at  the time,  and was denied assistance.  In turn,we hit rock bottom in our marriage and our ministry was taken away from us. It has been over a year and still my husband is like a 'bitter old man' about it. How do you help a person  that won't do the 'Christian' thing and forgive and move on.  He seems to not take his own advice and hope for a new start. God does have plans for him,for us, yet he doesn't see it. I want us to be on fire for God once again, yet I get brought down by this negative energy. I used to look to him for support and all of the sudden, I feel like the role is reversed.

He thinks going to a different church will help, I don't. I feel like that would be running away from the very thing that needs to  save us.  I want my strong husband back.  Not the back-stabbing, name calling, hypocrite I live with today.  I love him, I know he loves God, but he needs to show the church, show God, that like God, he can forgive others and ultimately forgive himself.  He needs to stop living  in the past and look forward to the future--we have two wonderful kids that deserve a strong Christian upbringing, they BOTH deserve to have a happy daddy. 

I'm giving this to you,  my Father.  Please help Ron. He needs to have his candle 'lit' again, Lord. You know how much I love my husband, but I want him to be happy, I want him to look forward to what you have in store for us, not dwell on the past and what was said/not said.  Help him move forward.

This is not a rant putting my husband down.  It is a plea for his life, for our family.

I  love you Ron, please come back.

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