
Now here's a 'Footprint' for Ya :-D

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

At 7am, the water-heater busted,  while managing to turn off the water, I slipped and fell on my tailbone and then stubbed my middle toe trying to get up the stairs and when I do get up stairs, my hair dryer decides to 'shoot craps' on me too (I hope that phrase was used correctly).

So after all day, I came home to assess the damage....I know I need a pedicure, but boy, my foot does not look normal.  You can tell that I have a definite 'split' in my toes now. Lovely.

So if you look past the deformities in my foot (which can be contributed to CP (Cerebral Palsey))--see my two pinky toes I have there, lol--it still looks pretty beat up.

The only remedy for this 'hot mess'--taped toes.

One Proud Mommy!

I am one proud mommy today!  Bailey's coach-pitch team won their division title and here is her trophy!  Go Diamond Angels!

The really cool thing is...Bailey hasn't seen it yet as she's at church camp this week-so it will be a nice surprise for when she comes home on Sunday.

We are looking forward to her playing in the fall with the same group of girls!

Again, I'm so proud of her--this is her 3rd year playing ball and she loves it!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Today, my lil' girl is at church camp without she got out of the car, I got a quick 'kiss' and a 'see ya Friday' and well that was the last of that--I think I had a worse time then she did. We dropped her off last night and decided to stay for the sermon--which was quite touching.  This week's message is about Identity Theft and how you can somewhat lose your identity in Christ.  The speaker for the week is Aaron Wallace.

I mean, do we really know who we are in Christ?  I think that is what I'm going to ponder on this week is getting to know myself 'in Christ'.

Do you know who you are in Christ?  Do you put find yourself being one person to one group of people and another to another group of people? 

Can't wait to start blogging about that message this week! :-)

When He Closes a Door...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

...He opens a window.

God has helped us close the door on a chapter in our lives--our church. However we are lookng forward to finding our new church home. Wyandotte was just our stepping stone to get us to where we need to be for our family.

We accepted Christ in that church. We ministered to youth In that church...our daughter came to know God in that church...but it's time for Good-bye...and for bigger and better things...

Its sad and a little painful, but I'm sure God will continue to guide us to our church home.

Good-bye ole friend

Friday, July 23, 2010

Today, my family says good-bye to our Harley as he goes to a new home.  Harley has been with us since our Bailey was 1 year old. 

We are confident his new home will be full of love and happiness, but again, this is so hard on me because that dog was my son for a long time.  He was sooo caring towards both of my children however, he needs special attention right now that my family is unable to give.

Please pray our transition today is a smooth one and please be with my little girl as she says good bye to her 'furry brother'.  Be with my husband as he says good-bye to an ole friend and definitely be with Harley as he ventures out to a new family.

We love you Harley and we will miss you!

I am listening...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

So today, I heard a song "You are Everything" by Matthew West, which prompted me to go to his website because I loved the song so much. I read his Bio and he identifed with a quote from C.S. Lewis.

"God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but SHOUTS in our pains.."

I remember thinking "I gotta write this down", but was frustrated because I couldn't copy and paste the quote from the website on my my Blackberry...and well didn't feel like grabbing a pen, so promised myself to Google it when I got to work in the morning.

As I was looking for my FireProof book, I stumbled across a book I received at church by Nicky Gumble, "Searching Issues"--I was reading about "Why Does God Allow Suffering"...and it was right there...

God works through suffering-and following THAT was the quote I so desperately wanted to remember.

Thank you Father for truly making that quote real for me.

I hear you LOUD and CLEAR! :-)

7 months old!

Just had to post this picture of my dearest Caleb Randall--taken last night right after bath time.  (I will get a new one of Bailey on here soon)

He waved at me yesterday, just wish I had the video camera ready...maybe tonight I'll get him!
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