
November 1st - LET'S DO THIS!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

In the past year, I have gained over 40 pounds.  I did it so easily.  First, I re-introduced soda in my life, next came the candy, then I quit exercising.

I became lazy, I became the girl I tried to hide, the real me.  I am back to hardly no make-up, I quit caring.  I went from having a 'somewhat' balanced life to working 45-50 hours a week (and that's just in the office).

I have been dealing with tooth issues for several months and in the past week or so it has turned into the WORST nightmare.  I now look like I 'chew' tobacco as the swelling has just taken over the left side of my face.

 I had an epiphany (an experience of sudden and striking realization).  Why am I back to where I was?  Why did I stop planning meals, exercising, caring?

So here it is, November 1st.  I can do this.  I have 60 days before my 37th birthday and I'm gonna give it my all.

My 60 day goals

  1. Drink Water, no more pop.
  2. Walk at least 20-30 daily (no matter what).
  3. Eat at least 1 salad per day
  4. No more candy
So there it is - permanently on the internet - in stone.

I am asking all 12 of my followers to please hold me accountable :-)

Follow me on  My username is kroldridge

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