

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Marriage.  Such a small word with BIIIIG purpose, yet, I find myself not 'following' the rules and taking my vows like a grain of salt.  I need to get better.  I need to take my life, my family, more importantly my husband seriously.  Life is too short to go through it wondering, what might have been.  I have a great life, good kids and even greater husband.  He has stuck with me through it all--yet I still find myself wanting something more, something better?  Why is that?

Well today, is a new day for me.  I keep saying that, but it's true.  I NEED to change.  My family and my marriage depend on it.

I admitted to my pastor of my addiction and my plea for help last evening.  This was his prayer to me:

Let's not wait another moment to start the healing process.

Almighty and Gracious God, I ask for the power of your love and mercy to come over Kelly in this moment. Bring her near to your heart. Calm her woes and set her mind at ease. Hold her close so that she might not wander from your presence. Assure her of your loving kindness and forgiveness. I pray this all in the name of Jesus, the Christ. Amen
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