
Weekly Reflection 16.0 || Culture--YES, we are different!

Thursday, December 12, 2019

I think I'm going to try to continue my blog posts about my reflections.

This week, I was struck with the question "Why do we not care for our employees or value our employees like the rest of the world does"?

There are countries that value their elderly, where as, we simply throw ours away.

Our culture is overworked, yet some cultures value a break in the middle of the day.

In taking this week's survey, I'm a little bit of everywhere with it--it was hard not to change answers - when there are so many biases in today's culture.

The one thing I'm still thinking about is the Uncertainty Avoidance.  Why aren't we more careful with those major decisions, we enjoy risks - why is that?

Maybe it's because of our founding fathers taking that risk so long ago to venture out into the unknown against England?

So many things can be written about Culture.  One thing is certain, we have learn to live in harmony and be tolerant of other cultures and ultimately respect one another.  We may not agree on everything, but we be respectful of each culture and decision(s).

Weekly Reflection 14.0 || Know Your Value

Friday, December 6, 2019

It's was Tuesday morning.  I have been so frustrated with my job lately - I have had so many "Don't they see" moments.  I work very hard, I rarely say 'no'. Why do I feel like they (management, my bosses) don't like me?

One of my bosses advised me to read the book "Know Your Value" by Mika Brzezinksi.  

At first, I was a little taken back with why is he giving me a self-help book.  I know MY value, I wanna know why they don't?  Then I started to read it.

A quote that stuck with me through out me reading it was:

"Women have been brought up on emotion.  Feeling loved by your bosses, doesn't mean you are 
being valued."

Yup, there it is--black and white.  Was I really concerned about being liked rather than being valued?

It's such a good book--since Tuesday, I stopped apologizing for things--yeah, totally stopped saying sorry for work things.

I mean, obviously I will apologize if the situation warrants it, but why should I be timid - I need to go for it.

She even advised to take  the same survey this week's questionnaire did to determine if you have a subconscious bias.  She pointed at the fact that in Norway, 40% of a company's board members bust be female.  One of the main reasons is that it has an impact on how much men do get paid.  We all know that women get $0.83 for every $1.00 (mothers make less than that!) a man makes (due to a 2016 survey).

Then I took this questionnaire---guess what?  I have a bias--men are leaders, women are supporters.  I really thought I would  it would be the other way around, however, Rome WAS NOT built in a day.  

I am definitely working on improving to ensure I do not have a bias.

With that, I'm also working on my confidence too!

Here are the results to my survey!

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