
Need to be a little more consistent in EVERYTHING I do...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

That's right!  Every little thing I start, I'm going to finish or at least continue daily, maybe just start out weekly (including this blog).

The past couple of days have been really really rough as I work full time (which believe it or not is my downtime--not too stressful); come home, fix dinner (yes--we eat dinner at home, firm believer in eating together as a family) and take care of the kids, by myself as hubby goes to bed.  I am the caretaker at night and NOW I can say, I'm finally getting used to the schedule.

Last night was rough because I was tired from the night before and had to help Bailey with homework AND I wanted to do a little lite cleaning.  Caleb was in bed and instead of me going to bed like I should have, I decided to clean house (biiiig mistake).

It made it worthwhile though.  I brought him in to lay with me about 3 am and the little guy went right to sleep (of course, I made a little baracade with a swimming noodle and blankets (yes, I'm a mommy macgyver, lol) to ensure he didn't just roll of the bed.

This is what I woke up to at 6am--how sweet:

So today starts a new day, a new schedule.  We have Youth Group tonight and we're studying Matthew Chapter 28--let's home that goes great...and we're having Baked Potato Bar, Yummy!

Oh boy....really???? It's been THAT long?

Monday, March 15, 2010

So my sweet boy turned 3 months on 3.11.2010 (he came home on 1.11.2010 - sorry I neglected to post the MOST important moment of that journey) - I really do need to start blogging again :-)

I was reminded today why a mommy should blog.  There are so many things that go on during a mommy's journey with her children that I truly feel like they should be documented.  Thank you Nikki for reminding me of this (

Everything is going great, for once.  Ron is currently in school for his promotion - the final leg before it's 'official' of him being a mechanical engineer.  It's been so hard, but I'm ever so thankful that he did get the promotion.  Our darling daughter is spending 3 loooong days with her gramma Sharon for her spring break and from what I hear, she's doing great.

I think I have fully embraced my motherhood...I know wierd to say this 'late' in the game.  But ever have that feeling where you're like "life is good, kids are healthy, hubby's awesome,  bills are paid...etc." Yeah - it's one of those moments.  Funny I know, but seriously, I think that's one of those moments when you feel like you're an adult and no turning back time's full force ahead.

Tonight - for dinner, grilled fish and a salad!  Yup!  Ron has FINALLY decided to jump on my 'health-kick' and has surrendered to my healthy cooking!  We'll see how it goes and for how long.  It took him getting on the Wii Fit and having the program tell him he was obese (seriously, it doesn't take much for one to be obese) - Ron only weighs 250 (he's 6'3); but with his height weight, his BMI is high...

Mine is high too, but you WILL never know how much I weight...let's just say, I feel like I beached whale outta water.

Well ttfn everybody, hope you have a blessed day :-D

I'll be posting another blog this evening to let you know how dinner went and to post updated pics of Caleb! :D

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