
What you don’t see...

Monday, April 16, 2018

In Luke chapter 12 verse 2-3, it states:  There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.  What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs. 

It is even stated in the bible, there is nothing hidden that will not be made known.  It'll come out some how.

Here it is, my mess—the other side of my “office”...proclaiming it from the rooftops!

The other side of the office

It makes me wonder---without the advent of things like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. would we continue to be on the outside looking in, comparing our homes, our kids, ourselves with other women?  Is it just in our face more?  Why do we continue to want to be someone we will never become?  Whose truth do I want to align my align with?  God or someone I never see?

Whose Truth Do I Align My Life With?

Now that I feel like I am somewhat caught up on my bible study, I get to start Week 2.

This week's verse is: Charm is Deceptive and Beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord will be praised--Proverbs 31:30.

I used to think 'fear' meant I had to be scared.  I learned today, it means 'respect'.  You have to have 'great' respect for the Lord.

In today's video, Nicki presented the question again:  "Whose truth do I align my life with?"

Ours or Gods?

Such a great question--a pressing question.

Today's video even convinced me to go home and take another picture of the other side of my office--my office is nice and I love it.  I love the fact my husband put it together for me.  I posted what I wanted people to see; not how the room actually looked.  Whose truth do you think I was going for when I posted to Facebook?  Yup, you got it?  Mine.  I was being selfish.  I wanted to brag.  "See what an awesome husband I have!"  "See my awesome home!"  There's a lot I haven't told you--but I will.  I will be very honest with you, my friend.

My home office--the side I want you to see.

Why are we always so concerned with what we want people to see,with what people think not with reality?  Why are not so concerned with our relationship with the Lord?  

Be on the lookout for the truth (and the picture). 

Truth One: You need to be Honest

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Boy, I feel's Sunday evening and I'm sooo late on getting this study done, but hey, I'm getting it, right.  Yes, I'm honest.  I will let you know, I put so many things first this week--my work, my rest, my own selfish want to get that darn tv watching in.

But yes, I need to be Honest...I'm doing this awesome bible study: Why Her? by Nicki Koziarz.  It's a Proverbs 31 Online Ministry Bible Study and ladies...she is REAL.  As real as they come.  I don't know her that well, but so far, I love what I see and read.

I'm also learning about Rachel and Leah--two sisters. WOW!

This week's verse was: Psalm 139:1

Lord, you have searched me and known me.
  1. Just Go..
  2. Wrestle with God
  3. Be Honest

Be prepared to admit your struggle!

God, Where do you need me?

This is huge!  I am ALMOST done with equipping myself to be able to do God's work in my church!  I'm so excited.  I received my welcome letter in the mail and I can't wait to see what/where God needs me in this church.

This moment has been a long time coming.  I never thought I would be sitting here writing that I am a member of a church again and waiting for what God has in store. 

What was I scared of?  What was holding me back?  Why did it take me so long to make this commitment?

I'm excited again. I'm in love again.  I want this.  I truly want this.

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